Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

     First, I would like to say that I love being a mommy. It's the BEST job anyone could ever ask for and I would would never trade it for anything else in the world.
     Yesterday was Mother's Day, and it was the best one so far in the 6 years I have had children. My 6 year old presented me with flowers that he wanted to get me as a gift. He had been talking all week about how he wanted to get mommy flowers for Mother's Day, so that is exactly what he got me. We had breakfast which consisted of french toast and eggs (which I had to make, because the hubby does no good in the kitchen) and then I was presented with the BEST gift ever from my hubby. A mother's ring. I have wanted one for a little over a year because, after four children in 7 years, that is all for me. I wanted a ring that signified the love I have for my babies. The best thing is that my hubby actually planned the ring. He had been looking for one, the perfect one, for a couple months and decided on one he liked that looked good with 5 stones. It is beautiful and has my birthstone in the middle with the kid's stones around it. I could not have asked for a better gift. And for him taking the time and putting the thought into it that he did, makes it even more precious. The rest of the day went wonderful, from church to lunch then back to church. One of my favorite things that took place, was the ride to evening service. My oldest wanted to listen to the Casting Crowns CD so I turned it on to the song "Shout to the North." We had it turned up and over the music I hear him and his younger brother singing the song at the top of their lungs. It was the most beautiful music I have ever heard and it is such a blessing to hear my children singing Christian songs.
     I am so blessed to have the family I do. My kids are the world to me and my hubby isn't too bad either. :) I hope everyone had a blessed Mother's Day like I did.

     How was your Mother's Day? What is your favorite thing about being a mommy? Share your stories...