Sunday, July 14, 2019

Business As Usual

Being a student in a school of business is something to be proud of. There are so many options to choose from in this field of study, that it is sometimes overwhelming choosing which direction to go.

I started with accounting, which I thought was going to be an easy subject for me, then found out that it is a difficult class to complete online. I am still going to major in business and it just might be General Business. I do like the marketing aspect of business, so I may try my luck at that.

I still have a couple of years before I complete my undergraduate courses, so it may change between now and then.

I began my outlook in the business program believing that this is the best program for me. Now I have learned to look at things differently. Taking college courses as an older adult is not as easy as it would have been right out of high school. Things that I thought I remembered, I have to constantly study for because I have learned that if you don't use it you lose it.

I would love to own my own business some day and having a degree in business can qualify you for a vast majority of careers. I just recently began a new job in human resources and have found that I utilize a lot of what I have learned so far in my degree, to my current career. Hopefully, as a business student I can take my personal philosophy of "work smarter, not harder" and apply it to my current and personal future company.

I think taking simple business courses provide a wealth of knowledge to any student.

An Adult Student

It has been a very long time since I have blogged. Many things have happened in the last several years, and I just shoved it to the side and forgot about it.

Going back to college, I am revisiting my blog and beginning again.

I am attending Southeastern University in Durant, OK. I am continuing on to obtain my Bachelor’s degree after finishing and graduating with my Associate's from Murray State last summer.

This entire journey has been challenging to say the least, being a full-time employee, single mom of 3 children, and going to school full-time during my Associate's program was overwhelming. I have settled into school and now I am only taking one class at a time as to not juggle so much as previously

I am not the traditional student. I am 34 finally working on getting a college degree, going back to school after 10 years. I take online classes given the fact that it would be impossible for me to commute to Durant and back to Ardmore, 2-3 days a week. 

When I first began this journey, I wanted to study accounting. I did really well when I attended classes at the University Center, however online is very different and was a personal struggle.

I am still deciding on which direction I want to go whether it be Marketing or General Business. I have enjoyed my marketing classes and seemed to have understood it the best, however I still have a little time to decide a definitive major. 

More to come as this semester progresses!!