Monday, March 14, 2011

A Few Favorite Things

     As a very busy mom of three, I don't have a lot of time to myself, much less think about really doing anything for me. My quiet time consists of the hour to an hour and a half after they go to bed, when I get to sit down, relax, and unwind. Now this may sound a bit corny, but I think it's very important that within our very hectic lives, that we need to sit down and reflect on our favorite things. Some of those things may include, but are not limited to: being a doctor, cook, teacher, disciplinary, referee, song director, pillow, taxi driver, etc...; you get the point. Yes, I do love being all those, along with being a wife, but I sometimes need to think about the things I want, or desire to do, or be.
     I desire to be a light unto a very dark world, a friend that someone can talk to, a simple yet complicated girl. I want to be a nurse in a Neonatal Unit at a Children's Hospital, a counselor to a couple that is grieving for the loss of a child, to write a book reflecting on my life and marriage so that other couples can see that a relationship can survive. There are so many things that I would love to do in life, that I sometimes wonder if there is enough time to do it all. Those are a few of the big things...
     A few of the little things I love: a pedicure, a walk in the park, watching my children play, a romantic date with my husband, the ocean, the sunset on a summer's eve, feeding the ducks at the pond, and even horseback riding. I firmly believe that with these things that I love, I should set aside time throughout the year, to carry out my favorites. This gives me time to reflect and admire the little things in life that make my particular existence special.
     God has created each of us with such uniqueness that we should not take these little things for granted. Everything that is said or done in our lives, is a lesson in shaping and molding us for His Will. Nothing that happens in our lives is coincidental, nothing. He is constantly working on us to better further His Kingdom.

     So please take a moment and think about your favorite things. Think about how you can set aside a little time each year to accomplish these favorite things of yours... you will be glad you did :)

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