Monday, March 21, 2011

Time Travel

     I have been thinking a lot about time travel lately, due to the fact that I watched a movie about it over the weekend. I've been wondering about things like, what would I change, how could I do things differently, or maybe not do something at all. Do you ever wonder about those things? If you could go back in time what you would change about yourself or something you did?

       There are some things that I probably would have liked to handle differently in the past, but I'm not sure if there's really anything inparticular I would change about my life. Things that happen, happen for a reason. Most of the time we have no idea what the reasoning is behind something that happens until much later, if ever at all. No, I wouldn't even change the loss of my child. I would, however, like to go back in time to examine myself on the way I handled it. It's been 4 years and the memory of those days are slowly fading. I would like to see myself, within that time, to see how much I've grown from the experience. There are many things I would like to go back and watch myself as I handled certain issues, problems, or occurrences. Mostly, just to look at how foolish and immature I was in the way I managed situations.

     God reminds us "not to dwell on the past, and to forget the things of old." (Isaiah 43:18) He doesn't want us to ruin our lives thinking about what "could have" been, or what "might" have happened. He wants us to learn from our mistakes and heartaches that have happened and then grow from them. We never will completely forget about our pasts, but it helps us to remember what we once were and what we now are. 

     It might be fun to take a trip back in time to see things in a new perspective, with a little more "grown up" in us, but to actually change or "fix" something, would be a mistake. Take life for all it is worth, and live each day with the outlook that this too shall soon be the past. You can only go day by day, so make yourself proud of today. One day you'll look back and wish you would have done things differently.

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