Friday, March 25, 2011

God Stops

     Let me explain...

     My way of seeing things through my God given eyes, have become my God Stops. Little things: the way trees grow beside each other and seem to bow to each other to create a sort of arch, the twinkling of each star in the night sky, the moon being the brightest it has been in 20 years, sitting outside wondering what else is out there. Even if you are an unbeliever in Christ, you have to wonder the complexity of nature and the universe. Take a minute to think about it.
     Last weekend, the moon was the brightest it's been in 20 years, 16,000 miles closer to Earth. How else could that happen? And my husband and I got to enjoy a part of that night. Things have been so crazy the last couple months, and even though we have been out on a couple dates, I wanted quiet time with him. Just us. No kids, no noise, nothing. So we decided to go outside and sit under the stars. It was later I found out about the moon. I had no idea until a few days after our sitting. You can't tell me it was coincidental. I have realized that nothing in life is coincidental. Things happen according to God's Will and only His. He created the universe and He says the way things should be. The weather, nature, animals, everything responds to His voice. He gives us the choice to respond to His voice. That's a pretty BIG God Stop to me. I have learned to appreciate things for the way they are because it was exactly the way God created it to be. I notice many things now that I would have never thought about before.
      I challenge you to do the same. Look at things from a new perspective. See the little things. A cloud in the sky shaped like an animal or object, a butterfly flying in the wind, a bird gathering twigs to build it's nest. I challenge you to find a God Stop. Look at things through your God given eyes, and appreciate the little things.

       Do you have a God Stop that has gotten your attention lately? Tell me about it, I would love to hear your God Stop stories.. :)

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