Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tattoo or no tattoo?...

     I like to dream. I like to see myself better off financially,  with a better attitude, in a better relationship. I have goals, aspirations, and amibitions. I am my own person, even if I am married.
     Recently, my husband and I have been having a little tiff about me wanting a tattoo. I have wanted one for a few years now, in rememberance of Leah. Nothing big or disgusting looking, small and cute. Something just for me to have as a symbol of her. My hubby on the other hand, not so much. He is very anti-tattoo, piercing, anything that defiles the human body. I can see his points on some levels, but I also remember our wedding vows. I'm still me, he's still him. I know I should honor him in the fact that he doesn't want me to get a tattoo, but he should also honor me in letting me be me. It had been a sturggle for me in deciding whether or not to get one, and i've been told that if I'm struggling this much I shouldn't get one. I don't see that really having anything to do whether I decide to get it or not. What bothers me is that he's supposed to love me for me. I will make mistakes, do things I'd regret later, and I will disappoint him. I'm not perfect, no one is. I still love him reguardless of his faults, because I have come to the realization that he's going to screw up.
     So, I think I have decided to not get the tattoo, but I still don't know for sure. A little bit of it is the price issue. Man, I did not realize how expensive a tattoo can be. It's insane! I don't know we will see what happens, but I probably won't get the tattoo. It's frustrating.


  1. Let me start by saying that I have a tattoo. I have a childhood stroke awareness ribbon above Christopher's name on the top of my foot. Remind me to show you this afternoon.

    Now, my question is this. If you had gotten a tattoo before you met, would he still have fallen in love with you? I'm betting the answer is yes. It sounds to me like you getting a tattoo is like the crosses people put on a highway where a loved one died in a car accident. It's a way for you to love and remember your daughter and you should be able to love and remember her any way you want.

    I'm sure Derrick won't appreciate my thoughts on this but I just wantedto give them to you. When I got my tattoo, Chris wasn't very excited. In fact, I asked him a couple months after I got it if he wished I hadn't and he said yes. So he didn't want me to have one, either, but he knew it was important to me and let it go.

    Just some food for thought.

  2. I forgot to add that my small tattoo was about $120. I don't know if it's out of your price range or not, but probably if yours is the same size as mine and you go to the place I went (which is awesome) it will be the same price.

  3. you already know how I feel about it but I don't think that chellie could have said it better!! and you and I could always go to a diff place and talk to more artiest and we might could get it cheaper than what we were quoted before.
