Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mini Vacations..

     As a mom with three children, my life is very hectic. Thank goodness for mini-vacations!

       Tonight I was told to go grocery shopping by my hubby. I don't exactly know why he wanted me to go tonight, a Thursday, of all nights but I went. I didn't really want to go to Wal-mart alone so I text a very good girlfriend of mine. I asked her if she wanted out of the house for a couple hours and go with me. I'm glad she said yes. I love having girlfriends to share things with that I wouldn't tell anyone else. Someone to vent to if I have a problem, or an ear to listen if I'm having a great day. Friends are supposed to be listeners, a shoulder to cry on, a sidekick, or even a sounding board. I'm very blessed to have a few friends in my life like that.
     As for my mini-vaca, It's very funny that as a mom a trip to the grocery store with no children is the highlight of the week. Being able to go into a store and not hearing "I want this", or "can I have that" is very pleasing to a mother's ear. I love my children, but as a stay-at-home mommy, we all need a small break. And somehow, just them sleeping is not enough. You need out of the house, just for a little while, even if it is to the grocery store and back. I have noticed that, when I do make a trip to the store sometimes I won't be gone more than 30 minutes. My hubby laughs at me when I get home so quickly after complaining that I needed a break. Why in the world do I only stay gone 30 minutes, if I did need a break? I know! It's because I don't have kiddos to chase after or hunt down in the store. I can actually go get what I need and get done in a timely manner. Very funny how that works.
      So as my mini-vacations, I will take them as long as I can get them. And I thank God for a husband who let's me have those moments, and a GREAT friend to go with me.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


     Wow! So my life has been pretty quiet the last few days after moving. I have actually had a little time to sit down and ponder what has happened the last few months. I am so blessed, happy, emotional and exhausted. It's the small things in life that make you think (well some big ones too). Since finding out about our house being put up on auction, stressing out about what we're going to do, I never really sat down to think how this might just be a blessing in disguise. Tonight as I write this, I'm thinking just that. After being settled in, and spending the night here for the last three nights, I'm beginning to realize what a blessing this has been. Even through all the worry and stress, I never took my eyes off God. I have begun to thank Him more regularly for this small crisis that has happened. I don't think He would call it a crisis, but a time of growing. Everything that happened in our lives are growing moments, or pains, you could say. God is preparing us each day to learn how to trust in Him for everything we do. I might add that, trusting Him, especially in the hardest times, is VERY hard to do. I think I handled this experience a lot better because of the trials I have been through previously. Here's a little background:

     Derrick and I have been married for 7 years. We've had our tough times and we've had our good times. Sometimes, I still wonder why I married him or why God allowed us to meet and brought us to marriage. Derrick and I had been married about 2 years when we started hating each other. I was just about to have our first son, Jorden, when Derrick and I tried marriage counseling. There was an exercise we had to do about telling each other if there were any secrets that we needed to share than to do so. So we did. I had been completely faithful up to that point in our marriage, but he hadn't. I remember my heart shattering as he told me he had cheated on me the night before our wedding. Now what you should know, is that him and I were already married at the time of our wedding. We got married one Wednesday night at church with the preacher and two witnesses, then decided that we would have a big wedding for our family. So, I sat there in disbelief. I am a very forgiving person, and sometimes I get taken advantage of because of it. So I forgave him. Life went on. A couple years later, I was pregnant again with our second child Leah. During that pregnancy he cheated again, so I left. Of course, he promised and begged and promised some more that it would never happen again, so crazy me went back. Third child, Matthew, guess what happened? Yes. Once again he was unfaithful. You would think I would've learned by then, and I thought I did. I left again. I loaded up the car with Jorden and left. Drove to my mom's in Georgia. Now, I'm not perfect either. While I was in Georgia, I met a great guy. He treated me the way I wanted to be treated, and of course, told me things I wanted to hear. So we slept together. Now, I had cheated too. Two weeks went by, but all I could think about was Derrick. I don't know what it is about him that makes me need him. So I came back. Things were good for awhile, until he decided to turn to alcohol to make him happy. In April of 2009 I had had enough. We were getting a divorce, I moved out, got a job, and the boys and I were gone. Until, I found out I was pregnant, yet again, with Elizabeth. I found out in May '09 that I was having another baby. She wasn't supposed to happen. I hated Derrick and I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. We were separated about 7 months when we both decided that our children needed the both of us, together. We were going to try it again. If not for us, for our kids. He moved into my little two-bedroom apartment, and we worked on things.
     Now I don't have any rhyme or reason for why things have gotten so screwed up in our relationship. I just know that it has to be some sort of blessing in disguise. I can't answer the questions on how we're even still together, I just know that we are. I love Derrick with all my heart, even after all the crap we have been through. I don't know why. I know that God can give you the power to forgive anything that anyone has ever done to you. He forgives us, why shouldn't we be able to forgive? God says that He forgives and tosses it as far as the east is from the west. He forgets about it. Now, as humans we don't forget, but we can let go. I don't really know why I decided to write this post tonight, but I know that it's for someone to read. I want to help others with their experiences and to learn from my mistakes and successes. Only God can give that healing power, that can overcome anything. Just trust in Him, spend time with Him, and He, Only He, can make things new. He will Bless your socks off if you let Him. Will you let Him?
             Revelation 21:5
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Peanut Butter or Jelly?

     Peanut Butter or Jelly? Ham or the Cheese? Ever feel like you're sandwiched in between something? I do.
     In this whirlwind of life with school, doctors appointments, t-ball practice or games, anything that goes on in life, and yet in the middle of two pieces of bread. Parents and kids.
     It's called the sandwich generation... Where as two young adults, try to battle with children and their parents. Aging parents are like children, they need your attention just like your own child. I'm starting to think that I'm raising 12 children instead of 3. This is including Derrick's parents. I understand that as we get older our bodies and minds deteriorate and we become children again. It's just a lot to balance. Between taking this parent here, or getting that parent from there, it puts a strain on a relationship. This is what we are dealing with, and if you're not already, then get ready. It wears on me because I see the stress that Derrick is going through on a daily basis, having to worry about what his parents need. They call all day needing something. Now don't get me wrong, I'm so glad that he can be there for them and help, and especially having the willingness to want to do it, I admire. But, where's time for our family? I dislike not being able to see him or the children not being able to, because he is gone.
      Then I wonder about me. Where are my priorities? Am I giving time to where it's needed? Am I spending enough time with my children, or are they playing with each other most of the time? The answer is: needs improvement. I find myself wondering a lot lately about how things that are going on in my life correlate to what goes on with my relationship with God. Am I that sandwiched between life, that I'm not making time for Him? Yes. And we can all make excuses. We're too busy, or I need more hours in the day. We've all done it, I'm definitely to blame. God wants us to be sandwiched in Him. He's the Jelly, all the sweet, juicy things in life. We're the peanut butter, the sticky mess that is full of nuts and impurities.
      Did Jesus get so involved in life that He didn't make time for His own Father? No. I'm sure Jesus had His sandwich moments. Being stuck in the wilderness being tempted by the Devil. If that's not sandwiched, I don't know what is. He was stuck, not eating nor drinking anything for forty days. He was sandwiched between doing what was right, or choosing to do what was wrong.
     We are all just like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. What will you do to keep from getting stuck?
      James 1: 2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Worth It....

     In my last post I told the story and hard time I was having with tithing. Today it paid off...
   God is SO good all the time, even when we don't realize it. We take so many things for granted, whether it is relationships, material things, health, anything that God gives us, we do. After my plea to God, about trusting Him with my money, I gave the 10% that He asks us to give. As I said before, God doesn't NEED our money. The point of tithing is not to give God our money, but teach us to trust and be faithful to Him. I trusted, I was faithful, I did my part, now for God to do His...
     Several months ago my husband had been told about a side job within his company. For the last 3-4 months things had been going back and forth about whether he was going to be receiving this job or not. We were so in need of extra money, he was considering going to work part time at a nightclub. I told him no of course, that it wasn't a good idea. For once he listened...This morning about 8:30 Derrick got a call from the supervisor over the job he'd been waiting for. He told Derrick that he had let the guy that had been doing the job go and that he wanted him to start this job on the weekend of Jan. 28th. I don't think Derrick actually realized what had happened until he came home tonight and I sat down and explained to him why this happened now. He has been so stressed about whether or not he was getting this job that he had pretty much given up. Saying that we're going to have to get used to living poor. I'm glad I didn't have that attitude.
     I don't want to boast or brag about me doing the right thing. I want to give wisdom and share my experience with you, so that you may learn from my mistakes and do the right thing NOW. I wonder if I would have started actually trusting God with my money several weeks ago all this could have been avoided. Then I think no. God allowed me to wait this long to trust Him so that I will learn from this experience and remind me that He's always on time. If I would have started tithing a month or six months ago, the lesson I am learning from this now would not have impacted me in this way.  I just have to say Wow! I also kick myself for being stupid and not doing this a long time ago. You live and you learn. And what God is teaching me now will forever change my thought process. I hope it changes Derrick's too. I think he is realizing what is going on and in his own way he is impacted too. He just won't show or say it the way I do.
     I leave you with this:
Genesis 28:20-22
 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me and will keep me on this journey that I take, and will give me food to eat and garments to wear, and I return to my father’s house in safety, then the Lord will be my God. “This stone, which I have set up as a pillar, will be God’s house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.”

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Starting a new Journey..

     Much has happened in the last few days.. After all the trouble and decisions we've had to make with our house, I find out Friday that it has been taken off the market. So now what? We still proceed as planned... Our "lease", if you can even call it that anymore, doesn't technically end until May, but, I have no idea if it's even still valid with all the things that have happened lately. There are SO many things running through my mind right now that I have a constant headache over it. I'm slightly stressed and tired.
     On top of everything else, I have made a conscious and valiant attempt to begin tithing. I cried when I gave the check to the church. With the bills that we have and the deposit put up for the new trailer, we don't have the money for anything else. I turned in the check, completely trusting God that He will take care of everything. It is so hard for me right now to rely on anything, but I am trusting God on this one thing. I prayed the other night that I don't care if God even gave me half of the money I tithed back, just so that I can get a full tank of gas to last me a full 2 weeks. That's all I'm asking for, nothing more, nothing less. This is a beginning of a new journey for me because I haven't ever been faithful in tithing. In the Word, God tells us to test Him on this one thing. He more or less dares us to do our part in offering what we have, and He WILL bless us for it. My hubby is so stressed because of the whole money situation that he's not himself. I told him that I was going to do this and it's not a big deal to him. My prayer is that God will use this opportunity to show my husband, that He is the Creator of all things and Lord of Lords, King of Kings. I want him to use this to grow, not only my faith, but the hubby's as well. God doesn't need our money. By no means does He need it, but He tells us in His Word to be diligent and faithful.
      As for the house, I wish I had some legal advice on what our rights are and aren't. I'm so confused and torn on what we should do, where God wants to take us. I would love some feedback. Hopefully soon, I can quit being so stressed all the time and having so much drama in my life. I'm exhausted from worry and stress.
     So right now, at this moment, and from now on, I am completely trusting the Lord with my money. I know it's going to be a tough road and I'm sure I will fault from time to time.
     "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Things are always Bigger and BETTER than what they seem....

     No matter which way we want things to go, God always has something different planned...
     In August, I started receiving notices on my door from the finance company that holds the lean on our house. We have been living here since May and renting for $500 a month. I wanted out of the little two bedroom apartment that we were in with 3 kids. This house came available so we took it. Ya it stinks having to pay rent, but our credit is shot so we didn't really have any other choice. Now in December we get a certified letter from the McClain county sheriff's office saying that our house is being foreclosed on and that it's going up for auction and will be sold on January 18th. GREAT! right? All the money we've put into this house hasn't gone to the mortgage company...So now what?
     We find a new place to live. I was so stressed and worried that we wouldn't find anywhere to live before the house was sold, I was crabby to my hubby, kids, and everyone around me. The funny thing is, was that hubby wasn't worried at all...I'm usually not a big worrier. I've learned to be able to trust God with things beyond my control, but for some reason I wanted to do this. I didn't want MY family, especially the kids to be homeless or in a tighter space to live in. But, of course, as always God told me "I Got This."
     I have explained what's been going on to only a few people, and why I chose to explain it to a friend I haven't seen or talked to in years is beyond me. We had a play date with our kids at the mall. First REAL play date I've been to since my oldest was about 3. I started to tell her about everything happening in my life right now and how stressed I was about the house. Then she gave me hope, an offer that we really couldn't refuse. Her Grandpa had a 3 bedroom trailer for rent on his land, right next door to her, in the country. The kicker, only $250 a month rent! What, really? Are u kidding? I thought. If this isn't a God thing I don't know what is....
     So, I told hubby about it, and we went and looked at it. Yes it's small, very small. Probably smaller square footage size than our 2 bedroom house we live in now. But it's a house and it's somewhere to live. My kids don't have to go homeless.
     I catch myself thanking God alot for giving us this open door, so u can call it, as to an answer of prayer and a glimmer of hope. I catch myself complaining about how I'm going to have to downsize things and go without some things, and then I tell myself to be quiet and that God's Got This. I don't have to be worried anymore, just grateful. If I hadn't had told my friend about what was going on she would've never known to offer me that trailer.
     And as I sit here finishing up this post, I wonder to my self how many times I've missed an opportunity or blessing because I kept my mouth shut. We have opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ everyday of our lives, and how many of us miss that because we're afraid or just simply not listening? I know I do. So for this new year I'm am going to do better in listening to God when He speaks so I don't miss out.
                                    Do you hear Him?
                                            What’s missing in your life.
                          The Holy Spirit tells you to listen and know God.
                      You make excuses about work, family, clutter, noise.
                                  The Holy Spirit tells you over and over.
                                       He, the Father, is waiting on You!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


     It is the first day of my blogging journey. One of my best friends talked me into it...No better way to start something new than on 1-11-11, also the first birthday of my daughter, Elizabeth.  So here the adventure begins with lots of tears, laughter, love, and hurt. I pray that God helps me in the words to say so that my experiences will help others. I have been through alot with my husband, Derrick ,of 7 years. Anyone you ask would say that we've been through more than most couples would go through in a lifetime together. I will explain in depth on a later post. Just for now, I'm letting you know a little about me, the person behind the words.
     I am a stay at home mom of 4 beautiful children. Only 3 are living children, but I never leave out the one who's not here with us today. I'll go into more detail on my angel Leah at a later date. I own my own business and my hubby works a full time job, not saying that being a mom isn't full time :) We manage. Things are tight with 3 children and only one full time income but we seem to do ok. We are a typical family, nothing special. Our family consists of, of course, my hubby Derrick, me, 2 boys and now 1 girl. They range from age 6yrs-1yr. I am very busy, busy all the time and don't have a whole lot of time to do much else than clean, cook, laundry, play with the kids, and t-ball in the spring. Those of you who have children understand :)
     Well I think I'm going to end there. It is getting late and I have to start all over again tomorrow. This probably won't be an everyday writing, but I will do my best to post at least twice a week. For now, goodnight and remember:

The LORD is the everlasting God,
   the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
   and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
   and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
   and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
   will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
   they will run and not grow weary,
   they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40: 28-31)