Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Things are always Bigger and BETTER than what they seem....

     No matter which way we want things to go, God always has something different planned...
     In August, I started receiving notices on my door from the finance company that holds the lean on our house. We have been living here since May and renting for $500 a month. I wanted out of the little two bedroom apartment that we were in with 3 kids. This house came available so we took it. Ya it stinks having to pay rent, but our credit is shot so we didn't really have any other choice. Now in December we get a certified letter from the McClain county sheriff's office saying that our house is being foreclosed on and that it's going up for auction and will be sold on January 18th. GREAT! right? All the money we've put into this house hasn't gone to the mortgage company...So now what?
     We find a new place to live. I was so stressed and worried that we wouldn't find anywhere to live before the house was sold, I was crabby to my hubby, kids, and everyone around me. The funny thing is, was that hubby wasn't worried at all...I'm usually not a big worrier. I've learned to be able to trust God with things beyond my control, but for some reason I wanted to do this. I didn't want MY family, especially the kids to be homeless or in a tighter space to live in. But, of course, as always God told me "I Got This."
     I have explained what's been going on to only a few people, and why I chose to explain it to a friend I haven't seen or talked to in years is beyond me. We had a play date with our kids at the mall. First REAL play date I've been to since my oldest was about 3. I started to tell her about everything happening in my life right now and how stressed I was about the house. Then she gave me hope, an offer that we really couldn't refuse. Her Grandpa had a 3 bedroom trailer for rent on his land, right next door to her, in the country. The kicker, only $250 a month rent! What, really? Are u kidding? I thought. If this isn't a God thing I don't know what is....
     So, I told hubby about it, and we went and looked at it. Yes it's small, very small. Probably smaller square footage size than our 2 bedroom house we live in now. But it's a house and it's somewhere to live. My kids don't have to go homeless.
     I catch myself thanking God alot for giving us this open door, so u can call it, as to an answer of prayer and a glimmer of hope. I catch myself complaining about how I'm going to have to downsize things and go without some things, and then I tell myself to be quiet and that God's Got This. I don't have to be worried anymore, just grateful. If I hadn't had told my friend about what was going on she would've never known to offer me that trailer.
     And as I sit here finishing up this post, I wonder to my self how many times I've missed an opportunity or blessing because I kept my mouth shut. We have opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ everyday of our lives, and how many of us miss that because we're afraid or just simply not listening? I know I do. So for this new year I'm am going to do better in listening to God when He speaks so I don't miss out.
                                    Do you hear Him?
                                            What’s missing in your life.
                          The Holy Spirit tells you to listen and know God.
                      You make excuses about work, family, clutter, noise.
                                  The Holy Spirit tells you over and over.
                                       He, the Father, is waiting on You!

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