Monday, January 17, 2011

Worth It....

     In my last post I told the story and hard time I was having with tithing. Today it paid off...
   God is SO good all the time, even when we don't realize it. We take so many things for granted, whether it is relationships, material things, health, anything that God gives us, we do. After my plea to God, about trusting Him with my money, I gave the 10% that He asks us to give. As I said before, God doesn't NEED our money. The point of tithing is not to give God our money, but teach us to trust and be faithful to Him. I trusted, I was faithful, I did my part, now for God to do His...
     Several months ago my husband had been told about a side job within his company. For the last 3-4 months things had been going back and forth about whether he was going to be receiving this job or not. We were so in need of extra money, he was considering going to work part time at a nightclub. I told him no of course, that it wasn't a good idea. For once he listened...This morning about 8:30 Derrick got a call from the supervisor over the job he'd been waiting for. He told Derrick that he had let the guy that had been doing the job go and that he wanted him to start this job on the weekend of Jan. 28th. I don't think Derrick actually realized what had happened until he came home tonight and I sat down and explained to him why this happened now. He has been so stressed about whether or not he was getting this job that he had pretty much given up. Saying that we're going to have to get used to living poor. I'm glad I didn't have that attitude.
     I don't want to boast or brag about me doing the right thing. I want to give wisdom and share my experience with you, so that you may learn from my mistakes and do the right thing NOW. I wonder if I would have started actually trusting God with my money several weeks ago all this could have been avoided. Then I think no. God allowed me to wait this long to trust Him so that I will learn from this experience and remind me that He's always on time. If I would have started tithing a month or six months ago, the lesson I am learning from this now would not have impacted me in this way.  I just have to say Wow! I also kick myself for being stupid and not doing this a long time ago. You live and you learn. And what God is teaching me now will forever change my thought process. I hope it changes Derrick's too. I think he is realizing what is going on and in his own way he is impacted too. He just won't show or say it the way I do.
     I leave you with this:
Genesis 28:20-22
 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me and will keep me on this journey that I take, and will give me food to eat and garments to wear, and I return to my father’s house in safety, then the Lord will be my God. “This stone, which I have set up as a pillar, will be God’s house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.”

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