Saturday, January 15, 2011

Starting a new Journey..

     Much has happened in the last few days.. After all the trouble and decisions we've had to make with our house, I find out Friday that it has been taken off the market. So now what? We still proceed as planned... Our "lease", if you can even call it that anymore, doesn't technically end until May, but, I have no idea if it's even still valid with all the things that have happened lately. There are SO many things running through my mind right now that I have a constant headache over it. I'm slightly stressed and tired.
     On top of everything else, I have made a conscious and valiant attempt to begin tithing. I cried when I gave the check to the church. With the bills that we have and the deposit put up for the new trailer, we don't have the money for anything else. I turned in the check, completely trusting God that He will take care of everything. It is so hard for me right now to rely on anything, but I am trusting God on this one thing. I prayed the other night that I don't care if God even gave me half of the money I tithed back, just so that I can get a full tank of gas to last me a full 2 weeks. That's all I'm asking for, nothing more, nothing less. This is a beginning of a new journey for me because I haven't ever been faithful in tithing. In the Word, God tells us to test Him on this one thing. He more or less dares us to do our part in offering what we have, and He WILL bless us for it. My hubby is so stressed because of the whole money situation that he's not himself. I told him that I was going to do this and it's not a big deal to him. My prayer is that God will use this opportunity to show my husband, that He is the Creator of all things and Lord of Lords, King of Kings. I want him to use this to grow, not only my faith, but the hubby's as well. God doesn't need our money. By no means does He need it, but He tells us in His Word to be diligent and faithful.
      As for the house, I wish I had some legal advice on what our rights are and aren't. I'm so confused and torn on what we should do, where God wants to take us. I would love some feedback. Hopefully soon, I can quit being so stressed all the time and having so much drama in my life. I'm exhausted from worry and stress.
     So right now, at this moment, and from now on, I am completely trusting the Lord with my money. I know it's going to be a tough road and I'm sure I will fault from time to time.
     "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, God is good, and He will bless you. I don't have any legal advice, but I do believe that God can always do more with the 90% than you can do with 100% of your money. Tithing is hard, tithing when money is tight is harder, and tithing when you don't have enough to get to the next paycheck is the hardest, but be faithful, and know that God wants the best for His princess (that'd be you ;) )
