Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mini Vacations..

     As a mom with three children, my life is very hectic. Thank goodness for mini-vacations!

       Tonight I was told to go grocery shopping by my hubby. I don't exactly know why he wanted me to go tonight, a Thursday, of all nights but I went. I didn't really want to go to Wal-mart alone so I text a very good girlfriend of mine. I asked her if she wanted out of the house for a couple hours and go with me. I'm glad she said yes. I love having girlfriends to share things with that I wouldn't tell anyone else. Someone to vent to if I have a problem, or an ear to listen if I'm having a great day. Friends are supposed to be listeners, a shoulder to cry on, a sidekick, or even a sounding board. I'm very blessed to have a few friends in my life like that.
     As for my mini-vaca, It's very funny that as a mom a trip to the grocery store with no children is the highlight of the week. Being able to go into a store and not hearing "I want this", or "can I have that" is very pleasing to a mother's ear. I love my children, but as a stay-at-home mommy, we all need a small break. And somehow, just them sleeping is not enough. You need out of the house, just for a little while, even if it is to the grocery store and back. I have noticed that, when I do make a trip to the store sometimes I won't be gone more than 30 minutes. My hubby laughs at me when I get home so quickly after complaining that I needed a break. Why in the world do I only stay gone 30 minutes, if I did need a break? I know! It's because I don't have kiddos to chase after or hunt down in the store. I can actually go get what I need and get done in a timely manner. Very funny how that works.
      So as my mini-vacations, I will take them as long as I can get them. And I thank God for a husband who let's me have those moments, and a GREAT friend to go with me.

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