Wednesday, February 2, 2011


     So, this so called blizzard of 2011 is starting to stress me out just a bit. I love being at home with my kids and I'm so thankful that my husband has had these last two days off work. It's just starting to get a little old. It has been very nice to get to spend some much needed time with my husband, he's been gone so much lately. We have had a very good last couple of days stuck here at home with all the snow. It has been a lot of indoor playing, watching movies, and eating ourselves silly. I can't believe how lazy I have been these last two days. I know it's not so much that I can't get out of the house, it's the fact that I CAN'T get out of the house. My oldest son and I went out to play in the snow for about 20 minutes today, but that still wasn't enough. I need to go somewhere. I need my normal routine back. Everyday during the week, I get up, get the kids dressed, take Jorden to school. Then we come home, do our stuff at home, kids take naps, then it's right back to get Jorden from school. I hate being off my routine! Don't you?
     I do have to admit though, that I have not been spending these last couple of days doing what I should be doing. I should be reading my Bible, thanking God for the beautiful snow, loving the time in my warm home, but I'm not. I sit here and whine because I 'm off my routine. My house is a mess, there is a sink full of dishes, and I haven't done a thing about it. Hmmm... Maybe tomorrow, I will try to start back on some sort of routine, just without taking Jorden to school. The hubby has to go back to work, so at least that will be back to normal. Maybe, just maybe, I can be unlazy tomorrow. We shall see.

     What kind of routine do you have? Has the snow made you stir crazy? What kind of things are you doing to help prevent yourself from going nuts?
I would love your feedback :)

1 comment:

  1. I have been more lazy than usual myself. I did bake brownies, and have had wonderful oven-baked dinners each evening! We have been playing Kinect and just hanging out - I've even gotten in some extra writing time! :)
