Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not as Much fun as I had hoped...

     After being stuck at home, snowed in, for the last 2 days, today I NEEDED to get out. I love it how we make plans, or expect things to go one way, then God gives us something completely different. Let me explain...

     My hubby's dad has been in the hospital for 6 days today. He of course was ready to come home after being in and out of the hospital for the last month and a half. He has many health issues, which we're not going to get into, but I am afraid that Derrick will be losing his dad soon. Anyway, Derrick's step-mom called him today and said that his dad was ready to come home and was being released to go tonight. That's great, I thought, we can all load up (the 5 of us) and we can actually get out of the house for awhile. What should have been a 2- 2 1/2 hour trip, turned into a little over 6 hours. Now I can totally understand taking longer, because of the snow and ice on the ground, but this was horrendous. First, I needed to stop at Walmart to get a few things that we had run out of, being stuck at home. Then we were on our way to Oklahoma City to get his dad. My oldest son stayed home with Derrick's step-mom to keep her company while we were gone, not to mention that there wouldn't be enough room in the truck for his dad if we all went. So we get to the hospital to pick up his dad. I will just tell you that his dad should NOT have left that hospital. He is in very bad shape and needs around the clock care. Now this little trip would've been great, if it had just been Derrick and I. About half way through the trip home, our two little ones, 1yr old and 2 1/2 yr old, started to get very fussy from sitting in the vehicle so long. With no dinner or much entertainment, I had to figure out something fast. I had a few of the groceries in the truck with me, so I dug out a banana and split it between the two babies. That sufficed them for about five minutes, when they were at it again. My hubby and I were joking around that if we didn't want them to sleep then they would've been out at the beginning of the trip. They were awake the entire evening, fussy. So, we get his dad home and Derrick and I had to work together to get him in the house and in bed. I say we did a good job.
     So that little trip is over and we're on our way home when Derrick tells me he had some news. His step-mom wanted him to stay the night, just in case his dad needed anything. I'm not mad that he's staying the night, at all. I'm actually very, very glad that he was willing to do this. Yes, I will miss him at home, but his dad needs him more right now.
      As for me wanting to get out of the house, no, I didn't think it would be a walk in the park going to get his dad, especially with two little ones, but I really expected things to go a little more smoothly then they did. I don't feel like I contributed anything to helping Derrick with his dad, but that I was more in the way, than good. On the contrary, to Derrick, he said that he couldn't have done it without me. Wow.

The Lord will work out his plans for my life - for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me.
~ Psalm 138:8, NLT

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