Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blessings, upon Blessings, upon Blessings

    bless·ing  n.
1. The act of one that blesses.
2. A short prayer said before or after a meal; grace.
3. Something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon.
4. Approbation; approval:

      2011 so far, has been shaping up to be the BEST year yet... I can't even begin to tell you everything, and every blessing that has come already this year. Between my husband proposing to me on New Year's Eve, us moving out of the expensive house, and now being sooo blessed with more income taxes than we could've dreamed, I just now stopped to think of all the blessings I've had so far in the first two months of 2011.
     I know my blog is a little rhetorical, but I just feel like everyday is a blessing in itself. If you are a believer in Christ than you know how everyday you breathe and wake up to a new day, it's a blessing. When someone tells you they love you or how important you are, it's a blessing. When you've had a long day, and your children say "Mommy, I love you," it's a blessing. We all need to stop for a moment, just a moment, each day and realize the blessings we have around us. Be thankful for who you are as a person and what God has given you. Hard times will come, but even they, are blessings.
     I was listening to K-Love on my way home from Wal-mart this evening and heard this: "God, sometimes, gives us more than we can handle. He does this so that we won't always think that we can do it ourselves. Because if we get it in our mind to do it ourselves then we can't call on Him for His help." It is a different way of looking at things. I have always been taught that God will never give us more than we can handle, but now I do see it in a different perspective. Sometimes God does give us more than what we can handle, so that, we have to lean to Him for help. He shows us blessings in every little thing.

Psalm 24:5
 He shall receive a blessing from the LORD And righteousness from the God of his salvation.

     Take a moment to think of some blessings that God has given you so far this year. Have they been noticeable blessings, or one's that take a little time to play out so you can see the bigger blessing? Share your thoughts if you feel led...

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