Wednesday, February 9, 2011


     Just a coincidence, or an answer to what I've been looking for?

     It's tax time as we all know, and this year I am bound and determined to get a new vehicle. With three children, my station wagon is just not cutting it anymore in the roomy department. I want a mini van. Now I don't have credit, and with no REAL job, no one would ever approve me for a loan. My hubby, on the other hand, has crappy credit, but has a job. Never in my wildest dreams, would I think that someone would approve him for a loan, but there is. We have been discussing buying a newer car for some time but just never really had the money, nor the extra every month to keep up with a car payment. This year, however, we have decided to buckle down and use some of our tax money for a down payment on a van. We do see some light at the end of the tunnel for our financial situation, and are able to afford a car payment now. So, I start shopping. I have searched the Internet and he has searched the surrounding towns for a van with a good deal. I think we have found one. The coincidence is, I have been listening to a Christian radio station now non-stop for the last 2-3 months. K-Love is an awesome station, that provides me with music that keeps my faith and continuously encourages me. I went to test drive a van that I had been looking at for the last week or so. It's a good deal, with manageable payments for our budget. Anyway, I get in the van, take off down the road for my test drive, and realize something. I'm not in my car and the radio was playing. That's right, it was playing K-Love. I haven't test driven many cars, so I'm not too familiar if the dealership normally leaves the radio on in their cars. I'm assuming not. I thought to myself at that moment, "is this just a coincidence God, or the answer to which van I'm supposed to have?" I haven't even told my husband about what happened, but I'm anxious to see what kind of reaction I get from it.

     What coincidences, or unique answers have you received from God? Did you listen to them, and something wonderful happened, better than you had anticipated? Or, did you ignore, or simply miss them and things didn't turn out as planned?
Let me know your thoughts...

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