Saturday, February 5, 2011

Good Intentions?

     For 8 years, I have tried very hard to get along with Derrick's dad and step-mom. I think they are finally letting bygones be bygones, and accepting me for being the wife to their son, and mother of their grandchildren. They have never liked me, thought I wasn't good enough for Derrick. Which, I totally understand, what significant other is ever good enough for your children? The main reason they have never liked me is because I don't work. Derrick's step-mom has worked all of her life to help support the family, even with her own children. Sure, that's great if you have one kid, maybe two, and have a good enough job to where you can afford daycare and still come out with a little cash. Not the case for me. I did have a job after I had my first son, which I continued to work, until my second child was born. The job I had was in the food service industry so, of course, it didn't pay well at all, but I kept working. I worked for a short time after my third child was born, until I had my fourth. Then I stopped working. What is the point in working with three children either going to daycare or in school? None. Every penny that I would make working would go to daycare or gas. There would be nothing left for bills, so I'm wasting mine and my children's time letting someone else raise them. Now I'm not saying that a woman shouldn't work. I think it's great if both parents can work for the extra income and especially if you can afford daycare and still make actual money. It's just pointless in my situation. I would love to have a job making fifty grand a year, living in an awesome house and driving an awesome car. But, I love my children more. While they are little, they need their mommy. When they are all in school and old enough to come home and take care of themselves for a couple hours a day until I get home, then that's great, I'll go to work. But for now, I will be a stay-at-home mommy...

       Sorry, just my thoughts. Now back to my story...

     So Derrick's dad has been in and out of the hospital, in very bad shape. I want to try to make up for (because I feel like I have let them down) whatever it is that ails his parents to not like me. I have been calling and checking in on them twice a day while Derrick is at work, and being as sweet to them as I can. I don't do it to be a jerk, but to show them that I'm not a bad person and they can count on me for anything if they need it. I don't do it to be spiteful or hateful, just nice. I'm hoping that they can forgive and forget about how they feel about me, and we can all have peace during this time of stress. I feel so horrible for Derrick, being stuck in the middle. Maybe, just maybe, things will work themselves out and they will finally accept, (maybe not agree with) but accept my way of thinking.

       Good Intentions? Let me know your thoughts...

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